Mass gathering Sem 2 15/16
Gathering for new members is one of the annual activities of this society. This activity is in cooperation with the new intake students. Some selected members of STUFF will conduct this program. The members who will conduct this gathering normally have adequate experience and are well-trained in facilitating skills. The main reason to conduct this activity is to introduce the new members about STUFF. This program is a keystone for preparing students mentally and physically in joining STUFF and to know the nature of the society. Besides to achieve our purpose of strengthening the ‘ukhuwah’ or bonding among the members of Student Facilitating Front (STUFF), this event is a tradition to our society. We hope we can gather all members of STUFF to participate in this event. Nevertheless, we want to make this mass gathering a successful program so that we can treasure the moment in our life. Further, we are sure this event can help us to know each other very well. For that purpose, we h...